Mẫu hợp đồng tiếng anh là mẫu hợp đồng được Dịch Thuật CVN dịch sang tiếng anh một cách chuyên nghiệp nhất. Các mẫu hợp đồng được lập ra để thoả thuận giữa hai hay nhiều bên về việc xác lập, thay đổi hoặc chấm dứt các quyền, nghĩa vụ.. Trong đó có rất nhiều loại hợp đồng phục vụ với các mục đích khác nhau như: hợp đồng lao động, hợp đồng thỏa thuận, hợp đồng thuê nhà, hợp đồng mua bán đất, hợp đồng đặt cọc, hợp đồng chuyển nhượng,.. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết và tải về mẫu hợp đồng tiếng anh ở phần cuối của bài viết.
Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Anh

(Issued with the Circular No. 21/2003/TT-BLDTBXH of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs on 22 September 2003)
Employer, Mrs.: DAO THI THU HIEN Nationality: Vietnamese
Position: Director
On behalf of: The International Tourism and Trade Joint Stock Company Vinatour
Address: No.54 Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
Employee, Mr.: NGUYEN PHUC LUU Nationality: Vietnamese
Date of birth: August 19, 1979 In: Hanoi
Occupation: Bachelor
Permanence Address: No.51, Len 40, Vo Thi Sau Street, Thanh Nhan Ward, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
ID card No.: 011902154 issued on: July 19, 2010 At: Hanoi
Agree to sign this labor contract and comply with the following terms and conditions:
Article 1: Contract terms and works:
– Type of labor contract: Fixed-term, 4 years
– From August 01, 2011 to July 31, 2015
– Probation time: From August 01, 2011 to August 31, 2011
– Place of work: No.54 Nguyen Du, Hanoi
– Professional titles: Management Staff
– Title (if any): Deputy Director
– Work:
+ Be in charge of management of Department of China Market
+ Be in charge of building, controlling and managing online sales Department
+ Be in charge of foreign affairs of the Company according to arrangement of Director
+ Be in charge of other works according to arrangement of Director, regulations, rules on function and mission of the Company.
Article 2: Working regime
– Work hours: Upon work characteristics, not more than 48 hours per week
– Be entitled to be equipped with such equipments as: According to work requirement

Article 3: Obligations and rights of the employee:
– Means of transport for working: Self-equipped
– Working environment is favorable, cool, and full of work equipment
– Salary: 11,000,000 VND/month, paid twice a month
* Probation salary accounts for 70% of salary:
Probation salary = 11,000,000 x 70% = 7,700,000 VND/month (Applied in August 2011)
* From September 2011: Salary is 11,000,000 VND, paid in two times as follows:
+ First time: Advance on the 25th of each month according to payroll with coefficient (5,98), applicable basic salary and actual working days of the employee stipulated by the State. It is base for enterprise and individual to pay insurance according to regulations.
+ Second time: Paid on the 10th day of next month, which is calculated as total salary minuses advance salary and obligation of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance payment.
Salary will be considered and adjusted basing on work efficiency and business status of the Company at each period.
– Allowance: Lunch allowance according to actual working days but no more than 22 days/month with amount of 30,000 VND/month.
– Phone allowance: According to regulations of the Company
– Bonus: In case of fulfilling given targets of the Company, the Company will reward according to work efficiency assessed by Salary and Reward Council.
– Regime of raising salary: Only applied for basic salary according to applicable regulations of the State and base for social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance and other allowance regimes
– Time of rest: 09 Tet holidays and annual leave according to Article 73, 74 of Labor Law
– Social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance: According to applicable regulations of the State
– Regime of training: According to work requirement and collective labor agreement
– Other agreements:
+ 30 days before expiration of labor contract, if employee wants to continue his work, he must to make application with confirmation of head of Department submitted to the Company.
+ Annual leave: The Company only settles at low season (Except for valid and necessary reasons). Annual leave is extended until the end of February of next year.
2 -Obligations:
– To fulfill the works as undertaken in the labor contract
– To comply with production and business orders, internal labor discipline and occupation safety regulation;

– To participate in collective activities, study, training proposed and sent by the Company with highest responsibility and efficiency
– To fulfill report and weekly report regime according to given function and task
– Other obligations according to regulations, rules of the Company
– To make material compensation:
+ During working period, if employee violates regulations, rules, not fulfill given work, the Company will terminate labor contract before due date without any compensation.
+ If employee applies for leave before due date of labor contract, he will have to return fee of training, survey and fair (If any)
+ Violation causes damage of the Company, employee has to compensate materials depending on damage level.
Article 4: Obligations and rights of employer:
– To ensure the employment and strictly comply with terms and conditions as stipulated in labor contract;
– To give sufficient and timely payment to employees in accordance with labor contract, collective labor agreements (if any)
– To control employees so as to accomplish the jobs as regulated in the contract (arrange, terminate, etc)
– To cancel, terminate the labor contract, penalty the employee in accordance with the regulations of Law, collective labor agreement (if any) and enterprise.
Article 5: Executing provisions:
– Labor matters not stated in this Labor Contract are settled according to the collective labor agreement; in case there is no collective labor agreement, it can apply regulations of Labor Law.
– This Labor Contract is made into 02 original with the same legal value. Each side keeps one original. This contract shall take effect since August 01, 2011. When the two sides sign the appendix of labor contract, its contents also have the same value as other contents of this Labor Contract.
This Contract is made at No.54 Nguyen Du, Hanoi on September 01, 2011
EMPLOYEE (Signed) Nguyen Phuc Luu |
EMPLOYER DIRECTOR (Signed and sealed) Dao Thi Thu Hien |
Bạn đang xem bài viết Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Anh tại chuyên mục Mẫu hợp đồng dịch thuật của Công ty Dịch thuật CVN. Nếu bạn có nhu cầu tìm kiếm dịch vụ dịch thuật hợp đồng hoặc dịch thuật tiếng anh tại Hà Nội, TPHCM, Đà Nẵng, Cần Thơ,…hay bất cứ dịch vụ dịch thuật nào khác thì hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để nhận được báo giá dịch thuật hợp đồng tốt nhất, rẻ nhất và uy tín nhất.
Xem thêm danh sách mẫu hợp đồng được cập nhất mới nhất:
- Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Trung
- Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Nhật
- Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Pháp
- Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Đức
- Mẫu Hợp Đồng Tiếng Nga
Bạn có thể tải về tập tin thích hợp cho bạn tại các liên kết dưới đây.